How to get back in shape without depriving yourself?

How to get back in shape without depriving yourself?

You might be wondering how to get back in shape without depriving yourself of the foods you love most.

I understand I’ve been there. And frankly, life is way too short not to want to eat chocolate anymore to be in good shape.

Rebalancing your diet, losing some belly fat, building your thighs, all of these things help you get back into shape.

But do you know what’s most important in the end? Your well-being and your self-confidence.

4 years ago I weighed 15 kilos more than today, my relationship was on the brink and I hated my job.

Yeah say it that way, it’s a bit like “3615 Shit Life”…

The good news is that now everything is fine.

I built up my muscles by losing 15 kilos, married on the terrace of a large Parisian hotel and now a business manager (I resigned and fired my boss as they say)

Now I want to help you get started even faster and not waste your time.

You might be wondering how to get back in shape without depriving yourself of the foods you love the most.

Or you are wondering if this will work for you.

ventre plat, perte de poids, se muscler le ventre, avoir des abdos, abdos femme, perdre 15 kilos, perdre des cuisses, perdre du ventre, avoir un corps musclé femme, exercices abdos femme, photo avant après, maigrir, comment perdre du poids rapidement, maigrir du ventre

Maybe you just want to lose a few pounds to regain your confidence (being sexy with less weight helps)

If this is your case, then you are free to join the community, to feel supported:

In the photo, it was me before and then now after La Reprise.

I rowed well when I decided to get back in shape, because a lot of the information on the internet is incorrect:

  • Fatty foods do not make you fat. On the contrary, it is the refined sugar that prevents weight loss.
  • You don’t necessarily have to eat at set times. Especially if you are not hungry. Just listen to your hunger. You can even eat 5 times a day.
  • Genetics are not responsible for “big bone” syndrome. On the other hand, a slower metabolism has devastating effects on fat gain (especially in the belly for women).

How do you know what works for you? Start and test.

The most important thing is your taking action. You are stronger than you think.

Who could have imagined for a second that the girl to the left of the image above would be able to lose weight, get married in a dress, and start a business?

Let’s be honest, no one would have believed in this girl.

Yet she did and she continues to improve day by day.

It wasn’t done in 1 week, but in 3 months. She drooled some days to rebalance her diet. But when she looked at herself in the mirror she was proud of herself.

Change your life. You deserve it.

Take care of yourself.

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