How to Burn Fat Even with Slow Metabolism

How to Burn Fat Even with Slow Metabolism

Many of you ask me lots of questions about “How to burn fat even with a slow metabolism”, so I thought I was going to answer them on video.

If you have just arrived here, my name is Margaux, I am the creator of La Route de la Forme. The blog was born following my weight loss: lost 15 kilos in less than 6 months, without dieting and without taking food supplements. You can learn more about this transformation through Natural Food by clicking here.

What makes you fat?

If like me, you have a slow metabolism and your body likes to store everything, then natural food is your thing.

Maybe you don’t think your diet makes you fat.

Maybe you’ve been trying to lose weight for a few years, but you can’t do it without knowing why.

It was also my case because I left VERY VERY far, the photo proof:

ventre plat, perte de poids, se muscler le ventre, avoir des abdos, abdos femme, perdre 15 kilos, perdre des cuisses, perdre du ventre, avoir un corps musclé femme, exercices abdos femme, photo avant après, maigrir, comment perdre du poids rapidement, maigrir du ventre

From my background and my experience what makes you fat is:

  • Lack of knowledge about food
  • Negative emotions like stress, sadness, anxiety, guilt
  • The consumption of “unknown” foods for the body

Step n ° 1 to Burn fat and WEIGH LESS

To burn more fat and lose weight, step number 1 is to train, educate yourself and increase your level of knowledge about food.

“All knowledge is an answer to a question.” – Gaston Bachelard

By increasing your level of knowledge, it will naturally be easier to lose weight and rebalance your diet. Having more knowledge means putting the odds in your favor when you take action.

This applies just as well to learning to read or to photograph or any skill. Knowledge is the first step to success.

For my part, I have read a huge number of books and studies in English to understand how to lose fat and improve my vitality without dieting. This is what allows me to “popularize” all of his often complex knowledge in my book to free myself from emotional eating.

Step 2 to Burn fat with the right natural diet

After you’ve read a lot and gained a lot of knowledge, you need to take action. Yes, it looks like source color.

Yet taking action is often the biggest drag on fat loss.

After understanding how the body goes into “fat burner” mode, I decided to go for a natural diet.

What is natural food? It means adopting a diet consisting mostly (90%) of foods that grow in the ground or on trees.

With a natural diet, unlike a paleo diet, it is about limiting your protein intake. In order to consume a balanced amount without over-consuming it, as is often the case in our modern diet.

To give you an idea, download your recipe guide for burning fat with natural food.

Step n ° 3 to go further

Now, with the food industry, it is not uncommon to see fruits and vegetables growing above ground. That is to say, they are not produced according to the rules of nature, but in laboratory conditions to speed up production times.

Thus, some varieties of strawberries grow completely above the ground, that is to say without soil. They are varieties genetically modified or created by humans to meet demand. The growth of these strawberries is thus caused by 100% chemical agents.

To go further, you can therefore consume food without packaging and organic. In theory, this sounds “simple”, but in practice you will quickly find that the majority of the food we eat is vacuum packed.

That’s why, you receive more than 30 natural recipes without packaging by downloading the book What to Eat for Weight Loss.


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